Spring Inversion Of Control
Spring Inversion Of Control Hi everyone, let's start with a simple example, do follow the blog to get an insight into IOC (Inversion Of Control) in spring. Step -1 First create a spring project and then create a package. In this example I use the spring project name as ioc. Create an interface called Sim. This interface has two void methods. calling() and data(). Step -2 Now create a class called serviceProviderOne using the Sim interface. This has override calling() and data() methods. Step -3 Create another class called ServiceProviderTwo using the Sim interface. Also override calling() and data() methods. Step -4 Create a class named Mobile. This class has a main method. You can use methods in the ServiceProviderOne class and ServiceProviderTwo class as below. Create objects using these two classes and call these methods. When you run the application you will get the following output. If you want to use these methods in multiple classes and locatio